Horace Mann Quote

~Horace Mann Quote
A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week of 01/30/12-02/03/12


SPI 0401.8.2 -  Identify characters, setting, and plot in a passage.
SPI 0401.4.3 - Complete a graphic organizer (e.g., chart, web) organizing material collected from text or technological sources.
SPI 0401.1.13 - Recognize and use grade appropriate vocabulary within context.
SPI 0401.4.4 - Differentiate among the kinds of information available in a variety of reference materials (i.e., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia).
SPI 0401.8.5 - Identify the forms of text (e.g., peotry, drama, fiction, nonfiction)

Formative Assessment Focus Skills:
Various: (extended passage)


I can identify characters, settings, and plot in a passage. (0401.8.2)
I can use a graphic organizer to organize information from text or technological sources. (0401.4.3)
I can recognize and use grade-level words within context. (0401.1.13)
I can differentiate among the kinds of information available in a variety of reference materials. (0401.4.4)
I can identify various forms of text. (0401.8.5)

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